Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Anyone For a Game of Chess?

I'm going to tell it like it is.  Please indulge me.  For many years I have been concerned about the rising "trend" of sarcasm, particularly done in a smutty way, in our television and movies.  In addition, the mean talk, the children being used as targets to teach other children how to back-talk to and disrespect their parents, the violence, the blatant sex, and exponential immoral innuendos.  The problem is not that it exists, but that it is growing.  As if we're a bunch of "dumb bunnies" who know Nothing of what's going on here!  The sad thing is many don't.  Those of us who are not LDS may or may not have the knowledge or inclination to view these things the way I do.  However, what bothers me is the many LDS who do and continue to endorse this kind of so-called, "Entertainment."  I am asking that we be better than this!  That we truly mark what we spend our time on with our friends or our spouses, especially our children, to that of the covenants we make in the Temple.

My August 2013 Ensign just came today.  I was so grateful when I read on the cover, "What about Sarcasm? p. 34."  In the article, Jennifer Jones records, "The Greek root for sarcasm is sarkazein and means “to tear flesh like dogs.”1 One dictionary defines sarcasm as irony designed to “give pain.”2  I see so much of this in the media.  Why do we think it's "funny??" To tear at people's hearts & put them down is FUNNY??  "Sarcasm has many uses in our communication: it can convey aggression and insult,3 it can be used to dominate others,4 and it can communicate contempt and anger.5 Not all sarcasm is intentionally sinister, but it has a hypocritical edge because it requires us to say the opposite of what we mean. Some use it for humor, but it often damages our relationships because it leaves our friends and family doubting our sincerity and confused by what we say."  

She goes on to say that our ways should be to minister grace, not criticism as President Hinckley points out.  He even suggests that this kind of talk leads to divorce and much often failure, and that we should seek out opportunities DAILY to compliment . . . VIRTUE and EFFORT.

Sarcasm leads to a putting down of the innocence and pure in heart intentions in-bread within us; the godlike spark of light that we came to earth with.  People who use this kind of communication think their suspects are, essentially, STUPID, especially when they do not "get it" or understand.  In many cases, that is the point.  "People who use sarcasm often think their targets are too sensitive or naïve when feelings get hurt.7  In more disturbing cases, sarcasm communicates contempt for others and gives people the “dishonest opportunity to wound without looking like they’re wounding.”8 But the Lord has fortunately decreed and promised, "aFools bmock, but they shall mourn; and my grace is sufficient for the meek, that they shall take no advantage of your weakness." (Ether 12:26)  When someone is sarcastic with me or does not really think about what they are saying I think of this!  And have faith as events unfold to expose their weakness. 

For really, in all reality, their sarcasm is simply a manifestation of D&C 121: 39 "We have learned by sad experience that it is the anature and disposition of almost all men, as soon as they get a littlebauthority, as they suppose, they will immediately begin to exercise cunrighteous dominion" and  v. 35 "Because their ahearts are set so much upon the things of thisbworld, and caspire to the dhonors of men, that they do not learn this one lesson—
 36 That the arights of the priesthood are inseparably connected with the powers of heaven, and that the powers of heaven cannot be bcontrolled nor handled only upon the cprinciples of righteousness."
Let me just say some of the things we go thru in this life are very personal and more painful than people may realize.  It behooves us, therefore, to be extremely sensitive (not to mention COMPASSIONATE) in our communications with one another.  And by communication, I do not solely include use of words.  A double edged sword is the result of intent.  When an innocent bystander gets caught up in a web of words (i.e. ~ cyberbullying—the use of technology such as cell phones, computers, social media, and websites to humiliate another person) it is bad enough, but add pic's and other means and it is truly disheartening and shattering to play the victim.  However, as Elder Boyd K. Packer once explained in his talk, "The Balm of Gilead," he points out, "It is painful to be the victim. But have you not yet learned how much more painful it is to be the offender?"  

So, I have often exhibited great patience, love, and understanding to one who has hurt in an effort to heal.  In paraphrasing President Benson in his, "Satan's Thrust: Youth," The critical and complaining FRIEND will be less effective than the interested and understanding. And love and understanding are only effective when they are genuine. And to be genuine they must be motivated by love. We must love our FRIENDS (and enemies), whether they are in righteousness or in error. In this way we can give them a chance to discern and to learn. But we must also give them a fair choice. Today many are not succeeding."  

I believe it is our call as well as our duty to lift each other to higher ground.  And we can do so by not endorsing the unwholesome and subtly threatening ideas that are permeating and bombarding society.  By continuing to patronize such media exploitations we really are calling "evil good and good evil" and allowing darkness to spread and even be present.  More from President Benson's talk reveals the true intent behind this, "We live in a wicked world. Never in our memory have the forces of evil been arrayed in such deadly formation. The devil is well organized. Never in our day has he had so many emissaries working for him. Through his many agents, his satanic majesty has proclaimed his intentions to destroy one whole generation of our choice young people." Living in this world we are given the choice to choose between good and evil.  Sometimes we think we are supporting good, but how can we be when are not then shunning other things we really should?  Do we really stop to truly think about what we are watching?!

This is nothing short of simple mediocrity.  We should stand up more for our values, for Christ's values!  By simply choosing to have a dinner party or a night out to view this stuff (you know is wrong), you are giving more money to the making of it and helping spread it other people!  We learn so much by the power of example (subconsciously and consciously), why spend it viewing those who do not set forth a good one?  A strong principle in learning to play an instrument well is that he/she spend a lot of time listening ~ passive listening.  Certain teachers believe a student learns best with at least 8 hours or more of pure background noise!  If students can increase their skills dramatically by simply having the music on in their sleep, for instance, imagine what we could take in with our eyes.  And again, as President Benson points out, "Most of these heroes that are being glamorized today are no longer noble, accomplished, humble, or righteous. From reports in books, magazines, and newspapers—especially the youth sections—we learn that they are lewd, obscene, immoral, avaricious, and in some cases even cruel. It is the very life-style we are here to avoid that is paraded before our young people by their celebrated peers. "  

Why are we continually disregarding our own consciences and this sound counsel?  Although I advocate and even encourage artistic expression of every kind I cannot help but note what President Benson also says here (and what someone else's intent is), "Never has the Church had a finer group of young people. They are choice spirits—sent to earth in this most challenging and important period of the world. Charged with the great responsibility of building up the kingdom of God on earth, they have an awesome challenge.

"This great and momentous responsibility and challenge comes at a most difficult time. Never have the forces of evil been so insidious, widespread, and enticing. Everywhere there seems to be a cheapening, weakening, downgrading of all that is fine, good, and uplifting—all aimed at our youth while many of their parents are lulled away into a false security as they enjoy their comfortable complacency."  In Sheri Dew's talk on "Motherhood" she reveals, "Elder Matthew Cowley of the Quorum of the Twelve taught that “men have to have something given to them [in mortality] to make them saviors of men, but not mothers, not women. [They] are born with an inherent right, an inherent authority, to be the saviors of human souls . . . and the regenerating force in the lives of God’s children” (Matthew Cowley Speaks, 109)."  So as I declare in the words of Shakespeare, "To thyself be true," and let thy neighbor be warned (D&C 38:41-42).  Yeah, "go ye out from among the wicked" by turning it off and replacing it with something else that's good!

In a good lite . . . I had a wonderful day today enjoying the breezy blue weather as I drove up to my cello/bass stu's house.  After giving him a most fulfilling lesson, he creamed me at chess!  This taught me two things:  1) these stu's are very smart (& capable) 2) I have a lot of years on them playing an instrument and need to remember this as they "learn the rules."
Grand Hotel Lobby
Mackinaw Island, Michigan

Friday, February 22, 2013

Disseminating the Information

Profile Picture of Midwifery TodayRecently I've had the awesome privilege of contacting 100's of midwifery, doula, premie, and children's hospitals/centers, etc. across the globe.  The Internet makes that possible.  This is some of the wonderful feedback I've received:

Shall I post this on Facebook? Do you have a facebook page? 
Great Work, Jacquelyn! 

Thank you for contacting Seattle Children's. Thank you for sharing the results of your research study with us. I have forwarded your email with information on your research study to the appropriate staff members here at Seattle Children's.

Thank you for your email. I have forwarded it on to our neonatology team for their review.

Thank you for your interest in CHOC Children’s. I’ve forwarded your request to the appropriate person and, if interested, they will be contacting you. Thank you for visiting the CHOC web site.  

    I recently was introduced to the fact that you have done research and have made lullaby CDs for families of premature infants. I work at West Virginia University Hospitals, Inc. in Morgantown, WV as a NICU Nurse Clinician. Two years ago we started an area that just houses infants less than 27 weeks gestation where we monitor light, noise, etc. We have a 45 bed unit and the rest is a wide variety of infants’ diagnoses and gestational ages. I am interested in hearing more about your research and how to obtain a copy of the CD of lullabies. We also do a program that is called “Sounds of Love” where families are given the opportunity to record themselves talking to, reading a favorite story, singing favorite songs and also playing a combination of lullabies intermixed within the length of CD. Families have loved it! Looking forward to hearing from you.

I received your email and will forward on to the Chief Nursing Officers and Chief Executive Officers of our Broward Health Medical Center / Chris Evert Children’s Hospital and Broward Health Coral Springs facilities.  Thank you very much for sharing the outcomes and benefits of your research and your interest in improving the lives and wellbeing of premature infants. 

Would you be interested in donating a CD to our next NICU Baby Shower to be held on March 10.  It will be held at Inova Fairfax Hospital, an almost 100 bed unit.  Maybe you would also like to donate a CD to the unit as well?

Thank you for your Facebook post.  Your research sounds amazing.  We will help pass the word.


Why didn't I think of doing this sooner?!!
(My prayer is that I may bless the lives of as many people as possible thru this research).


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Sweet Valentine's Surprises

Heart-shaped earrings inside a red rose!
Gotta love it when stu's think of you ahead of time.
What a sweet Valentine's week!

More heart shaped earrings & a strawberry necklace that actually smells!
Aren't my students neat?
Best V-day presents I've ever gotten at school.

My wild & crazy hair Sunday!
All curled up.
It was a really fun day today with the stu's.
They wanted to hear me
play the bass!
So I just enjoyed it
while they all played their fav songs.
The bass is easier than
the violin.
It has been such a blessing
having this job
so I could learn all four of the
stringed instruments.
I want to teach
my (future) children  how to play.
Give me a bow & I'm all set!!
For some reason
the piano was never my thing.
I mean, I could play it if I really practiced.
But, honestly . . .
I'd rather have a bow in my hands ~ or sing!
There are just sooo many
things I'd like to do in this life.
I guess that's what eternity's for . . .
so I can get good at EVERYTHING!!
Another thing I was really excited about yesterday
was qualifying for the $50 rebate for
my fat/muscle ratio.
(That's $150 total this year now for 
being in the healthy range).
They said I shrank
in my waist & hips a little over an inch or two
my body, after thinking it was 34 last year, 
(33 this year)
thinks it's 32!
I keep getting younger!!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Where I Was Last Nite

A Baby Shower!
At the shower we made up poems
for the baby out of Valentine Confectioner
candy hearts.  So cute!

I even got to see the birth of this cute baby on video!

Really makes me want to make my body strong & eat this:
(Or stuff like it).

After braving the snowstorm thru the Canyon,
I then went to the Temple to do sealings!
The next day Eden Marie was blessed.
Her gorgeous Grandmother, Cara, was the one
who invited me to the shower.
I met her at the Provo Temple when I ran into
a good friend of mine, Melanie Dewey, there one evening.
We've been friends ever since!
Both Mother & daughter have lovely singing voices.
I got to hear them after the shower getting ready
to perform at Sacrament Meeting.
It was really fun to
run into other good friends
at the shower.
None of us knew we would all be there.
What a joy!
I opened the door
& there was Sherrice from the choir.
Then a lady, Katie, who knows a
good friend of mine, Fran.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Sweet ♫♪~Shakes

This morn a student surprised me with an enveloped stuffed with these 
sweet notes:

She even made this tiny violin for me!
 Tonite I'll be here:

Making these with the other teachers.
It's a little fundraiser we do every January to raise $$ for our programs.
The students all come with their parents to help support us.
Yum Yum Yummy!!
Don't mind if I do!
Headed there Spring Break.
Found out about it New Years Eve at a dance.
Can't wait!!  First time.
Then later this summer I'm going here
(while the choir tours to Chicago):

Current Status

Doing my best to stay afloat thru some special challenges & changing health issues that have been around now for a number of years.

Life is hard.

EZ in some ways, not in others.

I'm not advocating this movie, but:

Being patient . . . in more ways than one.

Had to go to the doctor recently to get a cist removed that has been there for 4 or 5 yrs now.
Thought it was puncturable.  Turns out it was solid & would not drain.
A sample was taken to make double sure it is truly benign.
That's how I spent Martin Luther King Day.

I think I'm getting people better now these days.


Love truly is the answer, even when others don't get me.
So is purity!

Walking . . . one step at a time.
God is the answer.

He sustains me.
I rely on Him thru every step.
(And every detour).

That's how I make it thru.

My dear cousin is still fighting for her marriage.
My dear friend is still dealing with
the circumstances
& her troubled past.
A past college buddy is trying to survive thru
a broken marriage.
An Institute friend is still dealing
with all of her losses.
I'm still getting 100's of emails from Linda.
The list goes on & on & on & then . . .
Law of Attraction?

I'm getting really good at this.

Charity truly NEVER FAILETH.
Striving for it daily
thru my own complaints & cont'd long walks by faith.

Thank heavens for:
the Temple
the scriptures
good friends
love from family
the Spirit

Birthday/Christmas Bag From My Sister Sunday.
Was so very grateful when she said lately
that she & her hus
were praying I'd find my eternal companion soon.
I have been really trying to prepare
thru a lot of trial & heartache;
good & evil.

Sun. Sch Buds

Thank you to all of you who have good hearts.
God Bless You
each & EVERYone!

My brother from L.A. is in town
for the Sundance Film Festival & visits with Mom.
Glad he's here.
Meanwhile, the rain keeps falling on the just & the unjust.
Praying for all.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

My #1 Goal in Life:

is to make others as happy as possible, and to bring light, peace, joy, comfort, healing, & solace into their lives.  I sometimes fail and find I have to redirect, but when I receive notes like I did this past week I feel like I am succeeding.
Left on my Projector Board I Use Everyday

I was so grateful also for hugs and student comments today (and other days) telling me I had made the most impact in their lives of ANY teacher and that I was just the "right" teacher for them.  I appreciate this on days when I wish I could be doing ANYTHING but teaching, and especially when I feel like I am ANYTHING but the Best Teacher for them.
 I can't even tell you how this note lifted me one day last week:

It was really neat, too, because when I came home from teaching that afternoon
someone special had "pinned" me a whole bunch of 
Valentine's Day 
treats to choose from.
How I LVE whoever did that for me!

Saturday, January 19, 2013


An interesting pic my brother sent us today:
Said he was a great speaker.

Thursday, January 17, 2013


I'm happy b/c after a year or two of hearing about everyone else's adventures getting to travel, I finally have an opportunity to go myself.  Bon voyage soon!  ;-)
It's interesting how it came about, too. 
More to come on that . . .
God is good.