Friday, August 6, 2010

Santa's Delivery (2 yrs late) For My Little Gr Nieces!

A neat story:

Several yrs ago my little great niece asked Santa for a violin. Knowing what this entailed, "Santa" took her time. A yr passed & my gr niece again lamented,
"I didn't get my wish . . . Santa didn't bring me a violin!" Santa then took that as a "sign," & brought the violins all wrapped up. They were the hit of Christmas at Who-ville that yr.
Lessons ensued & then dropped.
"These violins are too small!" Santa next heard. More time passed. The request came again, "Santa promised bigger violins last Christmas!" She sure did. Santa did some research into them, but was having a hard time deciding until . . .
one day students came w/ a purple violin & a green bow.
The decision wasn't hard after that . . . ;-)

Wanna know where to get them? Try CrystalCello (or,
but get DOMINANT Brand Strings!
(They not only sound better, but stay in tune longer).

Let me tell you, they were the hit of Who-ville again (even in the summer).

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful reactions:

    Thank you so much for the freaking awesome violins. I love mine because it came with thought from the heart. I also love mine because it is purple and purple is my favorite color.

    Thank You so much for the very nice violins. I really like the blue one because it is an AWESOME colour:D love, ya

    thank you so so much for the rocking violins.i really like the pink violin.they are so you

    Eparg Neg, Yrrebeulb Nylecoj, yrrebwarts llig
    (Translated backwards as: Gen-Grape; Jocelyn-Blueberry & Gill-Strawberry)

    Jocelyn Wood ♥Love my violin,♥ Thanks Jacky:D

    Btw, whenever my students (& "not just good but GREAT!" nieces) tell me I "rock" I tell them they boulder! ;-)
