Monday, August 27, 2012

Great Start to My Week!

Highlights of the last two days:
1) singing in the ward choir, reaching the high notes strong & the Bishop saying it was the most powerful number!  
2) talk on music right along w/ views for my book
3) new visiting teacher who is incredible (she from Canada ~ where my Mom is from & the other from AZ ~ where my Dad is from)
4) while visiting my Mom, having the lady there ask me to tell her stories about her ~ wish they could have known her & how sharp she was
(what I told her:  so committed she magnified every calling she ever had in the LDS church, spending hrs in preparation ~ so good w/ children they wouldn't release her from being the Sunbeam Teacher for yrs & even made her "Sister Friend" ~ such a meticulous Office Manager for my Dad that everyone relied on her ~ so compassionate she would pick up ladies who were mentally ill & sit w/ them at church)
5) waking up after a late nite last nite (exhausted) only to have a stu's Mother go home & make me breakfast saying the exact thing I posted on FB about how we all need each other!
6) stu's who love me & are excited to be w/ me everyday who love music & are working so hard to do what they need to do!
7) knowing my cello books are done
8) co-workers who are helpful all the time
9) seeing the effects of loving people right & left
10) reading people's lives who lift & inspire me to be better than I am!

Yah ~ Having a Great Start to the Week!

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