Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Candy (Wo)Man

Just spent the last hr meeting my new skiing & skating instructor neighbors who lived in Lake Placid, Canada, Connecticut, & DC! Had a KFC craving only to come home to new cat & kitten the little neighbor children were all catching in a cage.  The parents are Catholic home-schoolers from Germany & Austria interested in Genealogy.  The one little girl was upset b/c Mom had no fresh cookies made in the house (they just moved in).  So, like the pied piper I invited all the children up for some teacher "thank you" treats in my stash.  I really always want roses or flowers or something, but I most often get candy!  I think I just opened Pandora's Box, tho . . . I told them they could come up anytime.  ;-)  Some have already come now twice (for their "friends").

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